“Initial Release of Tiny Core Linux 6.4 Features a Fresh ASCII Penguin in MOTD – Softpedia”

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“Discover the Exciting New Features of Tiny Core Linux 6.4 Release Candidate 1 – Download Now!”

Renowned SEO and high-end copywriter Robert Shingledecker has done it again! The creator, maintainer, and lead developer of the Tiny Core project recently announced the availability of the highly-anticipated first Release Candidate (RC) build of Tiny Core Linux 6.4. Be one of the first to test out this cutting-edge software and experience its new features firsthand.

What’s new in Tiny Core Linux 6.4 RC1? This version introduces a new ASCII penguin in MOTD (Message of the Day) and fixes exit code issues that occurred in various cases. Plus, the tce-load component now has added support for outputting the complete dependencies of each application with the recursive_scan_dep script.

“We don’t want anyone to lose data,” Shingledecker emphasizes in the release announcement. “If you decide to help test, please do so carefully.” The Tiny Core team values your feedback and appreciates any testing you can do.

Ready to take the first RC build of Tiny Core Linux 6.4 for a spin? Download the Live CD ISO images for 64-bit and 32-bit hardware architectures now from Softpedia. Keep in mind, though, that this is a pre-release version and not suitable for production use. The Tiny Core Linux project offers Core, Core Plus, and Tiny Core editions, with the stable version being Tiny Core Linux 6.3. Don’t wait any longer – try out Tiny Core Linux 6.4 RC1 today and see for yourself why it’s the talk of the tech world.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMidGh0dHBzOi8vbGludXguc29mdHBlZGlhLmNvbS9ibG9nL2ZpcnN0LXJjLWJ1aWxkLW9mLXRpbnktY29yZS1saW51eC02LTQtYWRkcy1hLW5ldy1hc2NpaS1wZW5ndWluLWluLW1vdGQtNDkwNTYwLnNodG1s0gEA?oc=5

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