“New Release: Tiny Core Linux 13.0 Optimized for Older or Lower-End x86 Devices – Leading the Way in High-Quality Lightweight Operating Systems”

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Introducing Tiny Core Linux 13.0: The Lightweight Linux Distro That Outperforms Others – Guaranteed!

Attention all Linux enthusiasts – brace yourselves for the release of Tiny Core Linux 13.0! Designed for both 32-bit and 64-bit x86 systems, this latest version boasts a newly updated Linux 5.15.10 kernel and upgraded packages. But that’s not all! With its compact (~22MB ISO) size and FLTK/FLWM desktop, Tiny Core Linux is perfect for older or low-end hardware that may struggle with larger distributions like Ubuntu or Debian.

Take a closer look at Tiny Core Linux 13.0 and discover its main changes, including an update to the kernel, glibc, and gcc, along with other improvements such as new media permissions and the addition of select and filetool scripts. Plus, with the option to add more applications through the menu, like Firefox, customization has never been easier.

Booting up the 32-bit ISO in VirtualBox, users are given the choice between a GUI or command line, as well as options for slower devices. Once the system is up and running, you’ll notice its impressively low usage of only 30MB of RAM and storage. But that’s not all – Tiny Core Linux also offers versions for Raspberry Pi boards compiled with various flags, making it a versatile choice for different devices.

Don’t just take our word for it – the forum’s announcement for Tiny Core Linux 13.0 speaks for itself. With Jean-Luc, the creator of CNX Software, dedicating his time to bringing you daily news and reviews, supporting the development of Tiny Core Linux by donating via cryptocurrencies or becoming a Patron on Patreon is a no-brainer. Don’t wait – experience the power of Tiny Core Linux 13.0 today!

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiamh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNueC1zb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20vMjAyMi8wMi8wMi90aW55LWNvcmUtbGludXgtMTMtMC1yZWxlYXNlZC1mb3Itb2xkZXItb3ItbG93ZXItZW5kLXg4Ni1oYXJkd2FyZS_SAXBodHRwczovL3d3dy5jbngtc29mdHdhcmUuY29tLzIwMjIvMDIvMDIvdGlueS1jb3JlLWxpbnV4LTEzLTAtcmVsZWFzZWQtZm9yLW9sZGVyLW9yLWxvd2VyLWVuZC14ODYtaGFyZHdhcmUvP2FtcD0x?oc=5

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